Angel Office #2 - Exodus
Angel Office #1 - Earths Creation
Chasing the moon
"the relentless pursuit of the ever elusive concept of love" - Rylan Strachan
Basic Pitches Ep 6 - It's Lesbians Time
This week the boys have a special guest.
A conspiracy theory is brought forth, the concept of sports is debased and Harrison tries to start a Sexual fantasy league.
Basic Pitches Ep 5: Muggers
HISTORY MINUTE(S) Ep 3 - The Cigarette
Produced by Samuel Mcivor & Lucas Roberts
OMID Update Nov. 5th
Brought to you by: Lucas Roberts
Produced by: Spencer Schltz
Basic Pitches Ep 4: Science Class Boners
We're so sorry...
OMID Update Oct. 29
Brought to you by: Sarah Ellis and Lucas Roberts
Produced by: Spencer Schltz
It Came from the Basement
Why leave the support and safety of the basement? Why venture beyond the walls of the established judgement free zone? Truly performing for anyone outside your friends and family is scarier than any possible lagoon monster.
Here we look into the journey of musicians who transition from performing only in practice spaces to their first performance in public.
A Collaborative production by:
Schultz, Strachan, Roberts, Burgess
OMID Update Oct 22nd
Brought to you by: Sarah Ellis and Lucas Roberts
Produced or Special thanks to: Spencer Schultz and Kim Penney
Vern's Tavern, Home of Calgary Music
Vern's Bar has been a staple to Calgarys Local music scene for years. Not a band has slipped through the city without at least one fateful night at the dimly lit dive bar. Though they are all better for it. Spencer Jo investigates what makes it such a magical hole in the wall.
night radio 101 - first impressions of earth
History Minute(s) Ep2 - The Taxi
Samantha gets lost
Samantha Lucy! gets lost check out her cool stuff!
History Minute(s) Ep1 - The Playground
This week on history minute(s) we find out if Germany may of contributed more to the world than 2 wars and sauerkraut.
if you would like to know more than what i talked about you can go here->.
Nonno and Nonna get lost
Nonno and Nonna is Italian for Grandpa and Grandma. These are mine! A while ago when I was visiting them I had them recount the story of falling in love and coming to Canada.
BACHTALK - Kelly and Joe in Paradise Finale
Read MoreBasic Pitches Ep 3: The Brown Album
Harrison and Adam seem to have ran out of ideas because they spend half of this week's episode brainstorming poop jokes.